When we were younger, a LOT younger, we believed that we were immortal and couldn’t be hurt by anything. Safety equipment was just for the management who couldn’t handle being burned, cut, and unnecessarily injured. But as restaurant managers and owners, it’s our responsibility to keep our employees safe from harm.
Safety equipment was designed for just that purpose. Though it generally makes people feel out of style or fashion, it helps keep employees coming back to work day after day.
What types of injuries can happen in a restaurant?
- Cuts
- Bruises
- Burns
- Fractures
- Concussions
Here are some safety items to make your commercial kitchen a lot safer. Feel free to add more to the list in the comments.
Using an oven mitt can keep you from burning your hands. Nothing can truly beat an oven mitt for hand protection when getting something out of the oven. While they don’t completely protect you from open flame, they are highly resistant. It’s also much safer than using rags. Using a wet rag to grab something hot will result in a more serious burn.
Just one more piece of protection from splatters and spills. There’s not a chef out there who hasn’t experienced a little bit of grease splatter. Not only does the apron give you a layer of resistance, but it helps you keep the rest of your chef’s gear clean.
Weight Belts
Having a weight belt will help you when you’re back in the back lifting boxes of heavy goods. Even if you lift with your legs your back is still involved. Lifting all day will put a strain on it. A belt gives more protection.
Protective Gloves
Everyone in the kitchen should be wearing gloves for a number of reasons. The primary reason is to keep food clean. If you are chopping many things, you may want a special pair of cut-resistant gloves. Finding that your potatoes have gotten bloody is never a good day.
If you have them, wet floor signs can help your customers and your employees keep a look out for dangerous situations. It alerts them that there’s a hazard of falling. The more information the better.
Running your own restaurant requires many things, including the ability to keep your employees safe. These safety equipment needs should be met from the very opening of your restaurant. Have it on hand so that your employees and customers can be safe.