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7 Signs It's Time to Replace Your Walk-In Cooler

As we talked about yesterday, your walk-in cooler unit makes the difference between fresh and spoiled food.  A badly-maintained unit can mean increased power bills and a load of inconvenience, but when is it time to replace your unit?

Bad Doors

When the seals on the doors to your walk-in unit are damaged, the cool air begins to leak out through them.  As the air leaks out, the unit has to work even harder to keep up with the demand of keeping your stocks cold. If your doors won’t close at all, then it’s definitely time to repair or replace the unit.

It’s Simply Too Old

The lifespan of walk-in refrigeration units varies from unit to unit.  You might have something which lasts for ten years, something which lasts for twenty, but the reality is that no unit will last forever despite regular maintenance. It’s often best to replace before reliability starts to become an issue.

Deterioration of Walls and Floor

Liquids and solids can spill on the floor and cause deterioration of your walk-in unit. Also, the insulation may decay over time and become less effective.  While there are several quick-fixes that you can do for these instances, it might just be time to replace the unit itself.

Build Up

If you start to see frost in places where there wasn’t frost in the past, that’s a danger sign. That means the unit is starting to cool inconsistently. If a simple adjustment of the thermostat isn’t restoring the status quo, it’s time to replace.

Odd sounds and heat

You might hear the motor rev or start acting inconsistently, or you might find that the temperatures inside are dramatically different from the ones reported by the thermostat on the outside. That’s an immediate call to the repair shop or your dealer.

Space Requirements Change

Whether increased or decreased, sometimes the space needs of your establishment will change.  After all, a LOT can happen over the life of your walk-in cooler!  Sometimes, your cooler just isn’t the right size anymore.

Energy Efficiency

If your unit was built over 20 years ago, there is probably a newer unit which is more cost-efficient that can replace it.  Within the past ten years, there have been some advances in heating and cooling technologies that make older units obsolete.

It’s quite common to overlook problems which might be happening in the walk-in unit.  After all, it’s probably not the first thing on your mind at the beginning of the day – but it’s something which you use quite often, every single day.   Replacing the cooler is a lot better than the alternative of worrying about when it’s going to fail.

2014-09-10 00:00:00
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