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ADA Compliance and Why It's Important for Ice Machines


Shop this Hoshizaka ADA Compliant ice machine on our website ADA Compliant Self Contained Air Cooled Cubelet Ice Maker with Built-In Storage Bin

Ice machines can come in many heights, depending on how much ice it can produce in a day. The general rule is that the more ice that it produces, the bigger it is, because it has to have a larger compressor to accommodate the larger volume. What about ice machines which are specifically created to cater to those in wheelchairs and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act?

ADA machines are usually undercounter machines. They are large enough to produce a hundred pounds or more a day of ice, but they’re engineered to be easy to access and clean. For example, the Follett 7UD100A ADA 125 pound 14.5” wide air cooled nugget style ice maker and water dispenser (say that all in one breath! ) made so that individuals, regardless of their height, could have ice and water on demand.

The ADA machine can store up to 7 pounds of ice which is more than enough for residential use, or perhaps for use as a college dorm room ice machine. You can have several pounds of chewblet ice on demand throughout the day. The exterior is easy to clean, being crafted out of stainless steel.

In addition to being safer, easier to access, and clean, ADA compliant machines also typically have ice on demand using the push of a button.

2017-01-12 00:00:00
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