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Buy Your Dinnerware for Charity

Restaurant dinnerware is usually one of the last things that restaurant owners think about. After all, it’s just something to put the food on, right? But, for those who subscribe to the theory that eating at a restaurant should be an experience (which we do), that dinnerware contributes visual artistry to the food, thereby enhancing its flavor.

In New York, there are a bunch of college students who are pairing their custom-created restaurant dinnerware with the dishes that they are serving on them. It’s a chance to explore the creative process and give that something extra back to the community. The project, known as the Harvest Dinner Project, will benefit the Lord’s Table feeding program.

People who are eating at the event have the opportunity to purchase the dinnerware that they eat from, so that they can commemorate the great experience that they had. Most everything within the meal will have been sourced locally – emphasizing the necessity for sourcing local.

“This is about participation, community engagement, and spotlighting the issue of feeding our neighbors. It also crystallizes the experiential learning and community involvement opportunities we promote.” A professional chef in the local area will provide a seven course meal.

What does your restaurant dinnerware contribute to your eating experience? We’d love to know.

2015-12-31 00:00:00
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