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Celebrating International Chefs Day

We all love our chefs, however whether they are from here in the US or from a foreign country most if not all cooks and chefs tend to be hot tempered, “potty-mouthed sailors” and tend to lack the social willingness to play nice. Our chefs truly own the back of the house, many times with an iron fist they are about to keep their kitchen staff knowing there there is no one “star” player, and their entire crew is dependent upon each other to succeed ad get through each shift.

Over the course of numerous years in the industry we have developed an unspoken code of professionalism in kitchens across the world. Through the entire industry we are able see well-run establishments upholding the same codes of conducts. No matter the size of the kitchen, no matter the type of cuisine or even how many employees, a well trained staffed who follow the code are sure to set your establishment up for success.

To those who have never been in a professional kitchen, these seem harsh, archaic even. But for everyone who has endured the long, hot, stressful shifts of a full-service kitchen these standards make total sense. You understand that with every dish sent from the Kitchen, we are being judged by a guest who is going to be either happy or dissatisfied with the work we have just done. Judged not just once per shift, but judged a hundred or more times every shift, every day!

You understand that to reach the level of perfection which we must attain for every single meal served to be excellent, it requires an extreme demand upon personal responsibility, reliability, and execution. It takes pride to do what we do daily, and pride in our work does not come cheap…it demands personal integrity and commitment. The unspoken rules of the Kitchen Code make our lives easier, not harder. It brings order and discipline to the chaotic, difficult environment we work in.

Here are the TOP FIVE codes for the kitchen:

1- Show up early, have your station ready and be ready to work
2- Arrive in presentable fashion: showered, shaved, brushed, combed, and in a clean uniform.
3- Bring in your enthusiasm: be genuine and actually care about good technique and culinary expertise
4- Maintain a good attitude throughout your entire shift
5- Always listen to your chef and always be willing to help when asked!

Remember in the kitchen everyone looks good together, everyone looks bad.

2016-10-21 00:00:00
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