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How to Choose the Right Commercial Griddle

We’re in love with griddles because they’re so versatile.  There are some restaurants which prepare nearly everything on their griddles and some which only cook a few specialty items on their griddles.  If you’re in the market for a commercial griddle, here are some considerations that you might make while shopping for one.

There are two primary types of griddles on the market today: gas griddles and electric griddles.  The differences between gas and electric griddles are the same differences between gas and electric stoves.  Chefs love gas for the even heating and they enjoy electric for the convenience.  If you are thinking of picking up a griddle, here are a few points that you want to address while looking through our catalog of griddle choices.

  • Usage – Are you going to be using this griddle a lot or is it for only a few menu selections? Find a heavy duty one if you plan on griddling a lot.
  • Cleaning – How easy is it to clean this griddle?  Am I going to have to spend hours getting the crud off?
  • Brand – Have I heard of the brands that are in the catalog? Are they known for making their griddle?
  • Size – What size space do I have to put the griddle?  Am I going to have to rearrange the back of the house to get the griddle installed?
  • Warranty – Can I get some assurances that this griddle will run and that I can have some repairs in case something goes wrong?
  • Budget – The bigger the griddle, the more money is needed to invest in it.  Does my restaurant have the budget to afford this griddle?  Will I need to combine some tasks?

These are just some of the considerations that you need to make for the commercial griddle that you’re planning on purchasing.  We encourage you to do your research and find the best griddle for you, as it will last a long time in your restaurant.

Special thanks go out to Vegan Feast Catering for the Creative Commons use of the picture.

2014-12-19 00:00:00
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