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Conveyor Oven or Impinger Oven?

What do you use to cook your favorite pizzas? Are you a conveyor oven person, or would you rather use an impinger oven? We’ll let you make the choice on that one.

Conveyor ovens have a standard heat source. They differ from the convection ovens in that they don’t have fans to push the air toward what’s in the chamber. This is known as radiant heating.

Impinger ovens take matters into their own hands and use fans to circulate the air and aim the hot air right at the food that’s being cooked. In this case, the impinger eliminates all cold air ‘halos’ which prevent the food from being cooked.

As to which one of the pizza ovens will do the best in your restaurant, that remains to be seen. The ovens themselves are perfect for breads and other pastries because they go through the unit at specific times. It’s a true drag and drop sort of process.

Impinger ovens are better suited for the high volume runs. If you’ve got a lot that you need cooked readily and accurately, then impinger ovens are the ones which will make the most dent in the mountain of work.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re interested in an impinger oven or a conveyor oven, as long as the food is properly cooked. Which do you prefer?

2016-03-17 00:00:00
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