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Even After 110 Violations, Restaurant Still Refuses to Clean

There are some restaurant owners out there who apparently don’t want to stay in business. Maybe they don’t understand the correlation between cleaning the commercial dishwashers and keeping their restaurant open. The restaurant with 110 violations that we talked about a while back apparently hasn’t gotten their act together.

There’s a Chinese buffet in Miami who got our attention for having triple digit health violations. The restaurant was ordered closed, and they would have been able to reopen if they had cleaned up their act. Several of the restaurants which had been busted were allowed to reopen. Not this buffet, though.

  • Their commercial dishwashers not only had lime scale developed inside, but the outside was a dirty mess, as well.
  • Their bathroom facility had dirt, smudges, and objectionable odors was a repeat violation for the health inspectors.
  • There was no chlorine sanitizer with the ware washing, something essential to keep the commercial dishwashers and commercial sinks functional. The level of chlorine was listed as 0 ppm.
  • Live roaches were observed in an unused oven, and the oven was immediately taken out of the establishment as a result.

When all was said and done, this buffet was still not allowed to reopen, as there were plenty of violations still remaining. While people in foodservice have the ability to make a lot of money, is it worth it at the expense of the health of the patrons?

2016-02-11 00:00:00
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