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National Food Days to Market

It seems too often that advertised on our social media news feeds that it’s, “ National Oyster
Day, National Apple Pie Day,” or a million other things. It’s hard to keep up, acknowledge every
day, come up with a promotion and then hope that we actually see a return on profit for our
efforts. It is our job as owners and managers to delegate and distinguish which day’s are worth
your while, and if you customer base will feel compelled to visit your venue due to the holiday.

As in any special or offering, to ensure its successfulness you must know your client base and if
the offer will truly entice their attention. For example, if your a fine dining establishment, the
likely hood of National Ice Cream Day brining in additional revenue is relatively low. But, if you
run a special on National Filet Mignon Day, you are more likely to see profit margins grow and
customer satisfaction increase.

To help with the next few months we have identified a key national holidays that will play well
with a variety of different venues customer base.


• 18th- National Pinot Noir Day

• 28th- National Red Wine Day


• 4th- National Eat an Extra Dessert

• 9th- National Steak au Poivre Day

• 12th- NationalNational Chocolate Milkshake Day

• 20th- National Rum Punch Day

• 23rd- National Chocolate Day

• 28th- National Drink a Beer Day

• 29th- National Coffee Day


• 1st- National Vegetarian Day

• 4th- National Taco Day

• 4th- National Vodka Day

• 9th- National Dessert Day

• 16th- National Food Day

• 17th- National Pasta Day

• 19th- National Gin and Tonic Day

• 21st- National Mescal Day


• 6th- National Nacho Day

• 8th- National Shot Day

• 11th- National Sundae day

• 12th- National Happy Hour Day

• 14th- National Guacamole Day

• 24th- National Espresso Day

• 26th- National Cake Day

2016-08-19 00:00:00
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