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Pork Consumption Continues to Increase

We love pork. We love bacon. We love sausage. Since 2011, pork is the fastest growing protein consumed in the US. Its popularity eclipses all of the other proteins, even beef. Honestly, it’s no wonder, since pork is the other, cheaper red meat.

The consumption of pork, according to a study titled “2015 Volumetric Assessment of Pork in Foodservice,” has increased to 9.8 billion pounds. This consumption has increased 533 million pounds since 2013. Pork is taking the foodservice industry by storm.

“Pork is a versatile protein that is being leveraged around the country by foodservice operators who want to deliver flavor, inspiration, and innovation across their menus,” says the president of the National Pork Board Derrick Sleezer.

And how! In thinking about nearly every major cuisine, there is something related to the pig. We have Chinese food with their dumplings. We have pork chops and gravy from the South, carnitas is served in nearly every Mexican restaurant across the country. You can see pork deep fried, boiled, baked in commercial convection ovens, and more.

What do you think about pork and pork products? We know that we’re not the only ones who have the love of the pig.

2015-08-14 00:00:00
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