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Proper Shelving Crucial for Food Safety

Restaurant shelving. You might not think about it once you’ve installed it, but it’s necessary for health reasons to get the products stacked on those shelves correct. How many times have you heard about health violations stemming from the inability to put items on shelves?

For example, there is a Mexican restaurant in San Antonio this week which had blood drops from raw meat land on the tortillas. There was also blood on raw, prepared potatoes. These offenses and more caused the owners of the restaurant to stay up all night to fix the problem.


Think about your home kitchen. Was it yesterday or the day before that you put that lasagna away? Food labeling becomes even more crucial in the restaurant setting because there are more people involved. Mark the date on every container.


As we found out from the Mexican restaurant, meat can sometimes drip blood, and if it’s kept high on the restaurant shelving, it will get all over everywhere. This can be a problem for some places, so keep it lower on the shelves.


One of the biggest troubles with restaurant shelving is that restaurants will stack their shelves too high or overload them past their capacity. Even though the shelves themselves are very sturdy, there are limits. Try not to let your restaurant get crazy… just get more restaurant shelving.

Keeping the items organized on restaurant shelving is absolutely crucial for passing health inspections and keeping restaurants running smoothly. What tips do you have for keeping your restaurant in line?

2016-02-27 00:00:00
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