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Pumpkin Spice Overload

ice honey pumpkin spice latte with whipped cream

As the summer months slow slip away, the leaves begin to turn and our favorite cocktails and drinks become to elude us, we know that we must embrace ourselves for PUMPKIN SPICE OVERLOAD! We know that in just a few short weeks our menus will become filled with the words, seasonal, limited-time offer and pumpkin spice. And we know that if we decide to go against the status quo and incorporate the sensation that has become “fall,” that our clients will certainly not be impressed or amused.

Everything from cereal, ice cream, coffee, late’s, muffins become infiltrated and consumers simply become enamored with the flavor and want it to be incorporated in every single thing! Although some pumpkin flavors are now available year-round, we are true believers that introducing the the flavors in a timely fashion advance the fall season and in adherently make your customers to want your products.

It is however, extremely important perfectly time when you will introduce these products to your customers and allow your menu to take on a complete transformation. It is true that pumpkininfused foods create a strong/solid financial footing but, you do not want to capitalize on your consumers captivation too soon or they may lose interest quickly.

A simply way to make sure that you are not overloading your guests palates with pumpkin spice everything at once, is to take a serious look at your fall menu planning. If you are able to incorporate two or three items with the seasons hottest trend then absolutely do so but, do not add a pumpkin spice martini, pumpkin spice appetizer, entree, side dish and dessert. The theme gets old and quick, plus most guests will not be able to enjoy the flavor because it is simply to sweet.

If you are truly looking to capitalize on the trend we recommend doing so in two aspect of your menu, drinks and dessert. Because both tend to be consumed at the end of the meal a guests palate will be able to handle the sweet and actually enjoy it. If you were to do this during the course of every portion of the meal your guests may lose sight of the wonderful flavors pumpkin has to offer.

Remember just because it is a trend doesn’t mean you have to add it to your menu, you may be able to set your restaurant apart by brining back other fall specialities. Make your guests understand that pumpkin spice overload is a true thing and it can be fixed!

2016-09-09 00:00:00
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