Golden Soup is hee-yahhh.
What exactly is golden soup, you ask? Friends, it’s a lifestyle. It’s a like-to-eat-healthy-food, but-like-to-eat-cozy-food-more, and-have-eaten-out-a-lot-lately-so-need-intervention-quickly kind of lifestyle. You know the kind. You know if Golden Soup is right for you. If it fits, you just know.
This soup has:
- turmeric (hence the big, beautiful golden-ness)
- cauliflower
- cashews
- garlic / onions
- olive oil
- salt
- squeeze of lemon juice – just trust
- crispy chickpeas and parsley and more olive oil on top
and therefore it also has the power to:
- reduce inflammation
- boost antioxidants
- make skin happy
- make tummy happy
- generally be very healing.
Bonus for the lifestyle part: it takes about 25 minutes to make, and it tastes like the most wonderful creamy goodness of winter.
If it feels like I’m selling you something, it’s because I am. I AM SELLING YOU GOLDEN SOUP.