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Reorganize Your Fridge the Marie Kondo Way

If you’re a Netflix subscriber, you’ve likely seen Marie Kondo’s recent appearance on the popular streaming platform. Kondo is a bestselling author, expert on tidying up, and founder of KonMari, Inc. Her most recent book, “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” has helped thousands of people reorganize their lives using her simple, effective method. So why not the fridge? If you think about it, the fridge is one of the most frequently used appliances in your household. Many of us are guilty of having a fridge cluttered with tupperwares full of old food, condiments that have expired, and a few too many containers of Baking Soda. To start implementing her technique in your own fridge you must first: commit yourself to tidying up. Kondo’s first rule requires a little bit of thought and commitment on your end. It’s one thing to clean out the fridge - but what’s preventing the same problem the next time you hit Costco? Next, imagine your ideal lifestyle. Ah, yes. A life in which your fridge was that of an influencer and everything was perfectly organized in matching containers. This step is important because it follows up on committing yourself to tidying up. You can’t move forward with a plan without an end goal. Finish discarding first. This one speaks for itself in the fridge. Get rid of all that old unwanted clutter in order to replace it with something fresh. Next, tidy by category and not by location. Create areas in the fridge for specific foods and stay consistent with those categories in the future. Her next step follows the same train of thought - follow the right order. Aka, don’t quit organizing once the initial excitement has passed. And of course, her last rule is quite fitting for the fridge: ask yourself if it sparks joy. If it does not, get rid of it. Sorry, vegetables do not count.
2019-02-11 00:00:00
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