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Serving Up a Better Special for your Customers

Menu rotation can be a tricky thing for a chef to manage effectively in any restaurant.  While some restaurants have large menus, chefs that want to create the freshest dishes for their customers know that a smaller menu is more manageable and, almost always, a higher quality dining experience.

While some customers are happy to order the same dish over and over again, variety leads to more interest and gives people a reason to come back and sample something different, which leads to more booked tables.  Some chefs choose to change their menu seasonally, but for those with the same small, core base menu of classics, a strong line up of specials gives patrons a reason to come back over and over again to find out what’s new.

How to create a compelling specials list?  Here are some things to consider: seasonality is key.  In spring, asparagus is in season in the Northeast and likely to be available locally.  For Florida based chefs, fresh citrus can innovate a seafood dish with acid and relish. Finding local fruits and vegetables to feature shows a dedication to sourcing fresh ingredients, and leads to a better dining experience without having to invest in expensive proteins.  In the same line of thinking, fresh availability makes a big difference. A seafood restaurant may make decisions based on their providers the day of. On the other hand, don’t be afraid to recycle old ingredients to keep your costs down. An Italian restaurant with a rotating ravioli special is cleverly using up leftover ingredients from other dishes while providing diners with a fun and delicious, ever changing entree option.  Keeping things fresh, innovative, and cost effective will lead to a better managed kitchen and better dining experience for your customers!

2019-06-05 00:00:00
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