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Sodium Labels Coming Out Next Week in New York

In America, we are the masters of overeating. That includes everything, from the saturated fats to carbs to dairy products. A big place where we overindulge is in the salt department. We’ve been eating so much that New York City has passed an ordinance where restaurants have to highlight that customers are going to get higher than the recommended salt intake. Maybe restaurant suppliers should provide salt shakers with warning labels themselves? Or, maybe they should charge an inordinate amount of money for salt? Instead, it’s just warning labels. Chain restaurants are going to be primarily affected by the new rules. Americans eat way too much salt, and that salt can lead to cardiovascular disease and other issues. So, there are warning signs which will be advertised on each of the menu items that have over the recommended salt content. “Every one of these cumbersome new laws makes it tougher and tougher for restaurants to find success,” says Melissa Fleischut, New York State Restaurant Association President. The salt itself isn’t in the shaker, it’s in the sauces and the other foods that we eat. The biggest question, though, is whether these particular warning labels will be effective. Did the consumers of the food not know that they were salty in the first place? We’re looking forward to seeing the results.

2015-12-02 00:00:00
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