Many things go into the creation of a pizza restaurant. There’s getting the Baker’s Pride Pizza Oven, the shakers for the Parmesan cheese, and even getting a little bit for the bar. We love it when people take the leap and open up their own pizza place… especially with such an honest reason for opening.
“Everybody loves pizza. It’s one of the major food groups.” We’re definitely in favor of that enthusiasm and sentiment. The Red 7 Pizza Company takes the owners’ love of pizza to the next level. The name comes from the 7 meats and sauces that the company offers.
The ingredients for Red 7 come from all over the board. There are influences from everywhere… they even have a Thai sauce for one of their pizzas. “How do you not like pizza? You know, pizza is one of those things, especially the way we do it, where you could basically have any flavor you want. There’s unlimited amounts.”
The owners of the restaurant are prepared to start changing and developing the relationships needed for a long-lasting pizza restaurant. We’re looking forward to seeing where they’ll be a few years down the road. That sheer, unbridled optimism is infectious.