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The Aftermath of a Food Poisoning for one Restaurant

Restaurant owners get very concerned when their patrons get sick. They clean out their commercial refrigerators, sweep the floors, and sanitize the ice machines when something like shigella (an infectious bacterial disease) rears its ugly head.

What happens to the reputation of the restaurant that has the food poisoning, though? According to one San Jose restaurant owner, it’s tragedy. Business has dropped off 70 percent.

The owner says that he doesn’t know what caused the outbreak, but he believes that it may have been from outside sources, as only one of his staff was tested positive for the bacteria.

“You can get sick in your house, your office, anywhere,” says the owner of the restaurant.

There are no answers from the health department or from the owner of the restaurant. Apparently, it was just a fluke… and now it’s time for recovery. The owner of this restaurant owns two others, “I’m going to try and bring people back to my stores.”

This San Jose restaurant is effectively starting from scratch. They’ve cleaned out their commercial refrigerators, tossed out everything in their walk-in freezers, and have to resource all of their ingredients. Perhaps they should have a grand re-opening event? What do you think?

2015-11-11 00:00:00
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