Lunch represents a huge monetary opportunity for restaurants - and although you can provide the same service and menu as you would for dinner, you will increase your tables, turn around, and profits if you tailor the experience to the meal - and what your customers want!
Speed is one of the first factors diners mention when going to lunch. Some offices provide a strict hour timeline to eat, and if that includes travel time, it may be difficult for diners to enjoy their lunch experience and get in and out in a timely manner. Express lunch options will allow those in a hurry to get in and out speedily. Multi course and fast to prepare, these can also increase the cost per head per diners and boost your profits, while giving the kitchen easy, pre-prepped food choices which will make for speedy kitchen service. Another tip is to have the servers ask if there are any time constraints when parties are seated. Some people may not like to be rushed - particularly if their lunch is also a business meeting. By asking, your restaurant can provide speedy service to those in a hurry without rushing those who may choose to linger.
If you work in an area with lot of office buildings, don't forget the potential for boxed/catered lunches. You can prepare boxed meals for pick up/delivery for those who don't have time to eat a sit down meal at an affordable price point and boost your revenue while also keeping your labor costs down. Advertise with local HR managers and pick up catering for luncheons also in local office buildings.
Don't be afraid to research your competition also. By going to lunch a your competitor's establishments, you can get valuable insights into what works for them and then transfer that, when applicable, to your own menu. Buck a shuck? Omelettes for lunch? Research Instagram as well for creative ideas on how to increase your lunch game.
Finally, don't assume that every diner is going to be an office worker. Stay at home moms and dads with kids in tow - and discretionary income - are a great target for lunch. Offer a great lunch menu for kids and advertise to local moms groups and at the library in order to target the 'ladies who lunch,' and their littles!