You know how we love to be adventurous and enjoy learning about new things here at the Restaurant Supply blog. Well, today we found a story about a very unique restaurant. It just opened in India, in Ahmedabad. Even though there are a few around the world, this restaurant is underwater.
Named ‘Real Poseidon,’ this restaurant is situated in a 1,200 foot space, just a bit underground. It’s stocked to the gills in fish, so diners can look all around them to see the delights of the sea. Unfortunately, there is no seafood on the menu. Instead, the 32 diners receive a huge mixture of styles for their food.
You can get an enchilada casserole which are ‘filled with a flavorful combination of ingredients, layered with white sauce, a tangy homemade tomato salsa, finished with a generous sprinkling of grated cheese and baked.’ There are also the vegetarian hakka noodles which are made as a way to get rid of leftovers – pretty much, it’s a low mein that is sure to tantalize.
Restaurant supply stores everywhere are lining up to serve these types of novelty restaurants, as the customers are lining up to try out the new environment in India. What about here in the United States? You can find the Aquarium restaurant in Nashville and a few others.