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We Love our Robot Coupe Food Processor

What is the best piece of equipment in your kitchen? Are you enamored with the commercial ovens or the restaurant dinnerware? In our kitchen, it’s the Robot Coupe food processor.

The food processor is much like the little engine that could. It can power through anything, from making a carrot soufflé to creating recipes for shaved Brussels sprouts. It’s all there, from the strange juicer powers to making purees that knock people off their feet.

You’ll quite often see recipes in the local paper which mention using a food processor – using this appliance can save hours off of your time in preparation. And even then, if you’ve chosen to work the veggies by hand you’re still not going to get the same texture.

What are some of the most delicious things that you can make with your Robot Coupe food processor?

  • Soups

We’ve talked about using an immersion blender for squash soups, but you can use the food processor for some of the other things – to get just that right texture on your cream of mushroom, for instance.

  • Salsa

We’re not sure if salsa counts as a category, but it’s one of the best parts about going to a Mexican restaurant. The salsa usually makes the determination for us about whether the place is worth staying at.

These are just a couple ideas for the Robot Coupe food processor. There are more, of course, and we’d love to hear about them in the comments.

2016-01-15 00:00:00
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