We love going to restaurants, as you might have read in some of our previous posts. There are a few restaurants which are worth going back to, because they do some simple things with their service. To get the mental grade of ‘A+’, also known as the "we'll definitely come back there" rating, a few things have to happen.
- Water and Drinks should be refilled.
When we go to the restaurant, we drink a lot of water. We drink soda, and we generally end up drinking one or two sodas along the way. Restaurant ice water tastes great, but having to wait for it takes off of the tip.
- Offering Dessert
There are times that we just wait for the wait person to offer us dessert. If they don’t, we don’t get it unless we know that the dessert is something that people would walk over hot coals for. Yes, there are a few, but not many.
- Friendly
Too many waiters out there have the death stare. They look like they’ve seen way too much, have been through way too much, and would rather be anywhere else other than where they are. Unfortunately, that also takes away from the tip that we’ll give them when we’re done. If you didn’t want to be nice, don’t take the job.
These were just a few of the things that immediately come to mind when we’re looking for an excellent restaurant. Remember that an excellent restaurant also needs excellent restaurant supplies.