Continental 165-4 Kleen Screen Urinal Screen With Red Strawberry Deodorant Block
The Continental 165-4 is a flexible screen that traps more debris to prevent costly urinal drain clogs. Featuring an enzymatic deodorant block, the surfactants and chelating agents within assist in cleaning and controlling odors up to 30 days. In addition, this item releases coloring agents with each flush and offers increased ventilation to reduce potential splashes.
Continental 165-4 Features
- Urinal Screen
- Flexible
- 3 oz enzymatic deodorant block
- Color: White w/ red block
- Strawberry fragrance
- Coloring agents
- Lasts up to 30 days (2,000 flushes)
- Non-para block
Continental 165-4 Benefits
- Flexible design fits in urinals to prevent clogs and splashes
- Built-in deodorant offers strong fragrance during time frame
- Coloring agents are released to indicate screen is working
- Non-para block dissolves and delivers more odor control
Overall Dimensions:
Height: 7-3/4”
Width: 7-1/8”
Depth: 1-1/4”