Frymaster Frypots
From Energy Efficiency to Conservation of Cooking Oil, Frymaster saves you money while providing consistent frying results.
Frymaster Energy Conservation
Frymaster's electric frypots use less electricity for greater energy efficiency. Frymaster's Thermotube heating transfer system allows more heat energy to directly enter the oil cooking pot and prevents it from escaping into the kitchen, keeping it cooler and saving money. By having a higher ratio of fresh oil to used oil in the frypot, Frymaster decreases the amount of burned solids floating in the oil which deteriorate the quality of the oil. Therefore, the fresh oil lasts longer, reducing oil costs over time. Several of their gas frypots use state-of-the-art heat transfer technologies, with infrared burners and blowers to optimize the effectiveness of the air-gas mixture.
- Frymaster All-Purpose Fryers Ideal for any commercial foodservice operation.
Frymaster Oil Conservation
Frymaster strives to reduce your operating costs by utilizing less oil over time. With thermostats mounted directly on heating elements, you gain precise temperature control, helping you to avoid overheating and burned sediment, thereby extending the life of your oil.
All of these Frymaster features are designed to help you and your commercial kitchen provide the best deep fried product while saving you money.
- Frymaster High-Volume Fryers Larger capacities and turn-around time, with heavy-duty construction for busy kitchens.
- Frymaster Oil Filtration and Disposal Oil filtration systems extend oil usage life. Oil disposal systems protect the environment.