Hobart LXGNR-1 (14" LEG STAND) Advansys™ Undercounter Dishwasher/Glasswasher With 12” Door Opening Height
Hobart, LXGNR-1, (14" LEG STAND) Advansys™ Undercounter Dishwasher/Glasswasher with 12” door opening height, Hot Water Sanitization, 120/208-240(3W)/60/1, .62 gal per rack, 30 or 24 Racks/Hour, Steam Elimination and Energy Recovery, Complete Delime™ with Delime Notification, Auto Dispensing, and Booster Guard™, Chemical Pumps with Auto Prime, smart touchscreen controls with SmartConnect™ app, Service Diagnostics, cULus, NSF, ENERGY STAR®. Free factory startup for installations within a 100 mile radius of a Hobart service office, installation beyond 100 miles will be charged at the quoted rate by the local Hobart service office

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