Taylor 582721 White Digital Pocket Kitchen Timer
The 582721 is a Digital Timer from Taylor. This pocket timer can be programmed for up to 99 minutes, 59 seconds. It is capable of counting up (with stopwatch function) or down. The product features clip/magnet/stand positioning. The LCD provides a display which can be seen clearly. (1) AAA battery is included.
Taylor 582721 Features
- Pocket timer
- Digital LCD display
- Counts up or down
- Clip, magnet, or stand positioning options
- Compact
- (1) AAA battery
Taylor582721 Benefits
- LCD display can be seen from a distance
- Clip, magnet, and stand allow for easy placement wherever most convenient
Overall Dimensions:
Height: 2 9/16"
Width: 2 9/16"
Display Size: 7/10"