Urinal Cakes and Urinal Screens

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Urinal cakes and urinal screens are essential tools for maintaining the hygiene and cleanliness of public restrooms, especially in restaurants. These devices are designed to reduce unpleasant odors and prevent the build-up of bacteria in urinals. Urinal cakes are small, puck-shaped deodorizers that are placed directly into the urinal bowl. They typically contain a strong, fragrant scent that neutralizes unpleasant odors and freshens the air in the restroom. Urinal screens, on the other hand, are placed over the drain of the urinal and serve as a physical barrier to prevent debris and other materials from clogging the pipes. They are often infused with a variety of scents or cleaning agents that further enhance the cleanliness of the restroom. With the help of urinal cakes and urinal screens, restaurant owners can create a pleasant and hygienic environment for their patrons while also ensuring the efficient functioning of their plumbing systems.

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